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History of PVC materials
Posted by:admin View count:993 Published:2015-03-03
It is widely believed for many years PVC is inappropriate nature an artificial note that it will destroy the environment, the impact of ecological development. 1996 Dusseldorf Airport hit exception occurs, so it people were killed in the fire, and all the finger pointing that has just developed a new material, some of the wrong people to public opinion as a disaster PVC culprit this will increase the people's misunderstanding of the PVC. China's PVC production unit in a self-designed early in 1956 began in Liaoning Jinxi Chemical trial production, 3,000 tons in 1956 means the official industrial production, 1984 annual 530.9 tons, in the history of the development of PVC industry in the 1970s focus on solving the PVC resin production of vinyl chloride monomer polymerization adhesion carcinogen two problems; the 1980s focuses on improving the relationship between PVC particle morphology and processing behavior; 90 years is to further improve the thermal stability of PVC, increasing the temperature applications increase alloys, blends and varieties altogether Giants make PVC plastics to develop its PVC production technology has matured.